Monday, August 30, 2010

Wish List

Sometimes there are small things in life that you don't need around most of the time, but when the time comes, they are absolutely necessary. Most notable are the garlic press (have you tried just mincing garlic into tiny little pieces with a knife??) and the pastry cutter (infinity more useful than two forks when attacking butter for biscuits or streusel).

I've got a new item for my wish list, and unfortunately it can't fit as nicely into my kitchen utensil drawer.

It's a garage.

With lots of free time on my hands these days, I'm opting to busy myself with crafty projects (and oh yes---don't worry parents and in-laws---job searching!). Over the weekend I picked up some old window sashes salvaged from a 1920s warehouse across the river. They're quite dirty and in need of some new paint, so I'm trying to picture how this washing and painting will go down on my small front balcony. Then I starting wishing for other things: an electric screwdriver, a hose, an air compressor, some heavy duty nails. Man, I wished my Dad lived around the corner.

So tomorrow I might brave the 97-degree heat, ride my bike over to Lowe's and chat up a random employee about paint strippers and degrees of gloss. I'll buy some big nails and peek around for any other home improvement projects that might catch my eye. And when I pedal back home, I'll keep my fingers crossed that the wall I'm planning to hang these sashes on is not just plaster-covered brick. A wall of massive nail holes is not really my idea of creative décor.


  1. It is hard to do home projects without a car and without tools. I forget how much I take all the tools I have around the house for granted. Most projects take at least a few trips to Home Depot. I think the window sash project will be fantastic. Can't wait to see the finished pictures.

  2. Thanks, Carla! I like to think of Home Depot as the older sibling of Michaels craft store...lots of fun projects to be had there. Happy September!

  3. For inexpensive tools, there is a store called Harbor Freight Tools. They advertise in the Sunday Oregonian. Wayne said they are in lots of major cities. You should check it out to see if there is one near you. Their prices are incredibly reasonable.
