Here's the plan. I've decided to paint that bookcase/hutch--which is actually a buttery yellow, though last week's picture didn't really show it---an olive green color with off-white shelves (café cream is the paint's delicious sounding name). I've made a list of things to get: paint, roller, paint tray, drop cloth, paint brush, etc. In the painting department, I think I'll be set.
A closer inspection of the bookcase/hutch has revealed a shoddy paint job by the previous owner (in some places you can see the baby blue color it was probably painted before the yellow one, and others all the way down to the original wood). So I've decided to to take my DIY skills to another level. Stripping.
I keep mentioning Design*Sponge, but it's because the gals over there really know what they're doing. I found this great post about how to strip paint with an easy (an purportedly less toxic and even biodegrable) stripper called Citristrip. Although my typical project strategy is to get things done as fast as I can, this time I want do this bookcase/hutch some justice and really try to make it nice. When I'm done with it, this $20 piece of furniture look like a hundred bucks. That's the plan, at least.
So if you see some gal working on a large piece of furniture on her balcony this weekend, pay no mind. I've got it under control. And if for some reason I don't, you can be sure I'll be document any failures or successes right here for your reading pleasure...