Sunday, October 27, 2013

363 Days Later...

Oh hey! Thanks to all you faithful readers who have checked in over the last year despite the lack of posts. You are too wonderful for words!

We've been up to a lot lately. A pumpkin carving party, to see David Sedaris read some funny stories at the Landmark, a dance party concert with Capital Cities, and most recently to Charlottesville to see Georgia Tech play UVA. But mostly we're doing normal home-ownery things like remembering to water our newly seeded lawn and picking out tile for our upstairs shower. Oh, and getting totally sucked in to Game of Thrones.

I hope to be back here more often (thanks to a handy Blogger app) to make it worth your while for stopping by. Be well friends, and see you again soon!


  1. YAY! And I think it's hilarious that Chris is cropped out of this picture.

    (sorry, Chris)

    - Kelsey (it won't let me comment as a google user!)

  2. Oh sheesh, turns out the mobile app doesn't do as well with pictures as I thought... will have to work on that. Thanks for stopping by Chic and Kelsey! :)

  3. Yay for updates! Can we see pictures of your house? I know you make a lovely dorm room, so your house must be even better :) That sounded strange
