Monday, November 4, 2013

House Highlights

Inspired by a reader request, I felt compelled to tidy the front room of the house and show you some of my favorite things about it. Please don't ever think my house is this ship shape - we typically eat at the coffee table like most people our age (according to my unofficial do too, right?) and have the usual clutter of opened mail, pairs of shoes, and other things that don't make it past room one after work.

Welcome! This is where we spend most of our time - eating, relaxing, watching Game of Thrones. It has great light from the east facing windows in the morning and a cozy fireplace for chilly nights. 

The cats like to hang here as well. Boo (little pirate cat) practices parkour on the couch like a crazy person and Cat likes to curl up on a pillow.
I recently rediscovered a wool Pendleton blanket that made it with me from Portland. It's toasty on chilly nights and I'm a big fan of the white and navy design.
On the mantel I have some of my favorite pit fired pots. I love the orange and gray marks that came out of their firing in sawdust and salt. 
And this Voluspa candle is amazingggggg. I picked it up in Hawaii but you can find lots of heavenly scents  at Anthro. My other fave is Baltic Amber (thanks, Chic!).

Sunday, October 27, 2013

363 Days Later...

Oh hey! Thanks to all you faithful readers who have checked in over the last year despite the lack of posts. You are too wonderful for words!

We've been up to a lot lately. A pumpkin carving party, to see David Sedaris read some funny stories at the Landmark, a dance party concert with Capital Cities, and most recently to Charlottesville to see Georgia Tech play UVA. But mostly we're doing normal home-ownery things like remembering to water our newly seeded lawn and picking out tile for our upstairs shower. Oh, and getting totally sucked in to Game of Thrones.

I hope to be back here more often (thanks to a handy Blogger app) to make it worth your while for stopping by. Be well friends, and see you again soon!