wake up. dc! run around at conference. sleep terribly. wake up. fourteen hour work day. goodnight with wine. next day, birthday! 25. ethnic catering staff sings happy birthday in broken english. awesome. in the car back to richmond before rush hour. cinco/birthday margaritas. tequila. tequila again. a few more drinks and we call it a night. sleep in. finally visit picasso exhibit. dinner at the museum. served an amuse bouche -- thanks for the lingo, top chef. drinks at balliceaux. saturday pancakes. sunshine and strawberry street festival. 90s house party. booty shakin' to spice girls. sunday sleep day. skype with mom-in-law. try to finish book before book club in two hours. amazing race finale. start full time at new job tomorrow. gear up for three days at home before seattle. must check seattle weather forecast. so. much. going. on.
I'm off to DC this week for work as I finish up one job and start the next. I promise to come back and post when I'm 25! (But hey, there are plenty o' blogs on the sidebar you can check out in the meantime...)
Lover of books, bikes, design blogs, and all things vintage. Here you can read about our adventures on the West Coast, the East Coast, abroad and around our new neighborhood. Find out more about this blog, about me, & see some pictures from our happy day.